
Freeing Your Creativity


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Tune into your creative mind, overcome creative blocks and discover the power of creative energy that is within you. Allow your natural creative talents to unfold, as you rescue your Inner Child and allow yourself to play and rediscover the joy of creativity. Just imagine yourself relaxing on your bed or in your most comfortable chair, closing your eyes, and taking a deep cleansing breath… leaving behind all the worries of the day… There is nothing to do, nowhere to go, just relax and enjoy this pleasurable experience, listening to this recording, knowing that in just under 30 minutes, you’ll feel creative energy flowing through you. Marianna Lead skillfully crafted this audio by utilizing her Goal Imagery® methodology, the latest research in Neuroscience, self-hypnosis, meditation techniques, vivid visualization and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), as well as Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) concepts. Lanny Meyers, an award-winning composer, lovingly wrote the music to enhance your experience. The results of listening to this recording multiply every time you listen to it. When you put it on a continuous play and listen to it while you’re sleeping at night, all the beneficial suggestions effortlessly drop into your subconscious mind at an even deeper level. Enjoy “Freeing Your Creativity” and consider giving this recording as a gift for others. Please contact if you are interested in hosting a workshop based on this topic.
